Scientists are now growing 'mini' brains in a lab at UCSD.
They've apparently taken DNA from Neanderthals,extinct for about the last 40,000 years, and grown tiny brains in petri dishes. They are being fed nutrients in the petri dishes to keep them alive.
They are interested in building Neanderoids. By wiring mini brains to a simple robotic device will they create the first true cyborg?
There are many articles to read regarding this which obviouly brings to mind all kinds of science fiction movies and TV series.
When the Bowman's looked inside a crashed craft in the woods they saw what seemed to be an orgainic type 'pilot'? Something to think about.
Do you think about. Now that science is able to create these entities do you think this is ethical? It could be even torture for the 'brain' grown from cells, DNA.
Anyone have opinions/ideas?
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